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Call for Papers

International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Mashhad, IRAN       Oct 13-14, 2011

Sponsored by the IEEE IRAN SECTION

The international eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering   (ICCKE), is an online annual conference for presentation of innovations in the fields of computer and knowledge engineering. ICCKE-2011 is the first virtual forum to bring together leading scientists in the field.The proceedings of  ICCKE 2011 will be indexed by IEEE Xplore. ICCKE 2011 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that reflects current research in the following topic areas: 

Topics of interest for submissions include:


Computer networks to any field, including but not limited to:
· 3G and beyond
· Advanced network protocol design and analysis
· Computer networks
· Cross-layer design and optimization
· Data communications
· Distributed computing
· Future internet architectures and protocols
· Grid computing
· Internet services and applications
· Internet services and network management
· Internet services, systems and applications
· Mobile computing
· Multimedia networking
· Network algorithms and performance evaluation
· Network and information security
· Network architecture and hardware
· Network architecture and protocols
· Network dependability
· Network management
· Network programming
· Network security and privacy
· Network testing
· Networking algorithms and performance evaluation
· Optical networking
· Peer-to-Peer, grid and overlay networks
· Performance modeling
· Pervasive computing and grid networking
· Pervasive computing and mobile networking
· Protocol Verification and Validation
· Protocols and algorithms for wired networks
· Protocols and algorithms for wireless networks
· QOS control and traffic modeling
· Quality of service
· Reliability and fault tolerance
· Routing and traffic engineering
· Sensor and ad-hoc networking
· Signal processing for communications
· Virtual private networks
· Web computing
· Wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks


Intelligent systems in any application field, including but not limited to:
∙ Artificial Intelligence
∙ Automation Systems and Control
∙ Bio‐Informatics
∙ Complex Systems
∙ Computational Intelligence
∙ Chaos
. Clustering
∙ Expert Systems
∙ Fractals
∙ Fuzzy Technologies and Systems
∙ Game and Decision Theories
. Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
∙ Intelligent Algorithms
∙ Intelligent Internet Systems
∙ Intelligent Software Systems
∙ Intelligent Tutoring Systems
∙ Machine Learning
∙ Machine Translation
∙ Modelling
∙ Multi‐agent Systems
∙ Neural Networks
∙ Neurocomputers
. Neuro fuzzy modeling / systems
∙ Natural Language Processing
∙ Optimization
∙ Parallel Computation
∙ Pattern Recognition
∙ Planning
∙ Robotics and Autonomous Navigation
∙ Signal Processing


Knowledge engineering to any field, including but are not limited to:
· Data Mining
· Decision Support Systems
· Knowledge engineering and acquisition
· Knowledge in use
· Ontology Construction, Matching, Representation, …
· Reasoning
· Semantic Web
· Social and cognitive aspects of knowledge engineering
· Knowledge engineering by the masses (special focus)
· Web Mining


Application of machine vision technology to any field, including but not limited to:
· 3D and stereo vision
· Astronomy
· Biomedical engineering
· Document processing
· Environment Engineering
· Food Engineering
· Geosciences
· Humanities
· Industrial Applications
· Inspection Systems
· Motion analysis
· Robot Vision
· Visual Sensoring

Paper submission

All original and related papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered.Papers must be submitted within the stipulated time (July 1, 2011) and electronic submission in PDF is required. The page limit for a full-length paper is 6 pages.

All submissions should be in the IEEE 8.5 two-column format. Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.Please refer to the author templates given below:

MS Word template: Doc Template (from IEEE) Microsoft Word Template (Direct link)

The authors of the accepted papers will be allowed to make a correction in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers within the stipulated deadline. The conference proceedings will be distributed amongst the participants during the conference. Accepted papers must be presented by author(s) personally in order to be published in the conference proceedings.Submit your paper at the submission site.

Important dates

Paper Submission Deadline:                    1 July 2011
Notification of Acceptance:                      8 ‫‪September‬‬  2011
Final registration & Payment:                  25 September 2011
Final Camera Ready Paper Submission:    1 October 2011

Author guidelines:

A full paper (6 pages, letter size) for oral presentation should be formatted following the IEEE format. Formating instructions :
Please click here to download the CFP

Contact Us

1. Conference Chair : Dr. Hamid-Reza Pourreza           
2. Organizing Chair : Dr. Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno    
3. General inquiries can be sent to :                            


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